How To Create free unlimited temporary and permanent emails

 How To Create free unlimited temporary and permanent emails

Aslamo Alaikum dear friends.
A temporary email is a random temporary address that does not require any registration process. It is also known as disposable and throwaway email. and It is used for various purposes such as website testing, signup in untrusted websites, advertisement, etc. If you are using a temporary email then you are safe to avoid leaking your information and also avoid being tracked. There are lots of temporary email services that create a temporary, free instant email address and this way is very helpfull for you.i am sure 100% you can get mail permanent by using this way 
so lets start.

Method 1 for pc users👇

1.serach instaddr in your search engine

2.go to this link

or ad extention to ghoogle chrome

or get from apple store

or get from microsoft store at windos or wondos phone

3.showing an interface 

here is 3 option 
(1) create an adress automatically 
(2) designate adress 
(3)Create an adress with expiration

click on option 1 for rendom adress
and click on yes for agree terms

congrats... the mail sucessfully generat
redscure area not importent
now copy the mail and use it anywhare and receive masg inbox
for diplay incoming masseges click on inbox icon and display massegs here

(2) option
click on option 2 and chose your username and domains
click on create an email adress

sucessfully created email adress

(3) option
click on option 3 if you want tempmail for short time not for long
then you should chose option 3 because in the option the mail will be deleted with expire date as you want adresses
 scroll down and display here your emails adresses and you can search  by using serach bar and you can manage adresses by click on check box and delete it etc.
and you can export your email adresses with csv file click on the download icon

5. your id information
if you want keep these adresses permmantly
don't worry about it
follow these intructions and take it for lifetime
check these options.   
 fully detaile about you loged
manag your id with these selected arrows 
(1) usernam id
(2)password for Again Login
(3)set recovery mail (personal mail or gmail is better idea)
(4) secure by 2.factor
(5) download account card and save it in your pc local drive or phone or cloud drives (googledrive,onedrive and etc....)
(6) linking with your accounts (google id microsoft id and etc...)
(7) if you loged in many devices and you forget about it the click logout on all devices and you will be secure
(8) logout from this device

2nd.move back and click on sign in anothe account 
(1)enter your id and password which you copy before ☝
(2) click login

(3) attach with google be carefully you can lost yor created adresses 
click on google icon and click on sign in your gmail

and continue to kuku 
click your gmail  and the click on confirm 

and the a display shown with your loged in id
click login

and for confirmation click yes

and you attached with google by safely
(4) attach with apple id and with barcod using phone, tablets

Method 2 for android 
1. install instaddr from playstore

and open the app after installation complete
same process ☝

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