The Moral
Never disdain what we can't have; nothing comes simple.
At some point, a fox turned out to be extremely eager. He went out to look for some food. He looked all over yet couldn't track down anything to eat.
At last, as his stomach thundered, he coincidentally found a rancher's wall. At the highest point of the wall, he saw the greatest, juiciest grapes he'd at any point seen. They were a rich purple, advising the fox they were fit to be eaten.
To arrive at the grapes, the fox needed to hop up high. As he hopped, he opened his mouth to get the grapes, yet he missed. The fox attempted once more however missed again.
He attempted a couple of additional times however continued to fall flat.
At long last, the fox chose to surrender and return home. While he left, he mumbled, "I'm certain the grapes were harsh in any case."